Σάββατο 29 Αυγούστου 2009
Παρασκευή 28 Αυγούστου 2009
I wanna capture you in digital
I won't hurt you
Unless you ask me to
Hurt you
And take off your clothes
What's a girl to do in a world of greed but kneel and pray
I said her from the city so her got to witty, witty
She said him from the country so him got to be funky, funky
Mama i'ma Millionaire but I feel like a bum.
Mama i'ma Millionaire but I feel like the only one.
I,I,I,I woke up early this mornin,
I don't think ya'll heard me,
I woke up early this mornin,
I don't think ya'll heard me,
I woke up early this mornin.
I don't think think ya'll heard me,
I woke up early this mornin, but i still ain't seen the sun.
Papa i'ma Milionaire,
Sax 5th Ave. don't sell affection.
Papa i'ma Millionaire but i ain't movin in the right direction,
Somethin ain't right, I know.
I am rich, to he is rich, she is rich, to we is rich
Where there is cheese there are rats,
Where ever there are rats there are cats,
Where ever there are cats there are dogs.
If you got the dogs you got bitches.
Bitches Always out to put their paws on your riches.
If you got riches,you got glitches.
If you got glitches in your life computer turn it off and then reboota.
Now you back on.
Can't just put the cap on the old bottle once you pop it that will spoil it, gone and drink it and enjoy it.
Mama i'ma Millionaire.
What's a girl to do when she just has dimes no time just play-yay-yay-yay.
What's a girl to do instead of me it's you'll be true-woo-woo-woo.
What's a girl to do in a world of greed but kneel and pray-yay-yay-yay.
What's a girl to do when she's lost her long time friends that's lie-ie-ie-ie-ied
Run run to your grave and forget the riches you earned!
run run run run to your grave
cause they're coming for your brain but they will leave with your head
they've got money and science, they will leave you for dead
sleep sleep sleep sleep in your tomb
sleep sleep sleep sleep in your tomb
don't bury your body with your diamonds
cause you know they'll dig up your grave
don't hold onto your riches
cause when you die you're a slave
and emotion is a simple test
to the synapse
don't let it fool you into thinking that you've got brains
the more you feel the more you'll take with you
so cut the flesh and let your blood flow to the drain
you've got to
tear, burn, soil the flesh
god will do the rest
scream, cry, pray, confess
god will do the rest
Πέμπτη 27 Αυγούστου 2009
Stop cloning me copycats are freaking me out
I should have seen the sign way back then
When she told me that you were her best friend
And now she's rolling, rolling, rolling
And you were stolen, stolen, stolen
She started dressing like me and talking like me
It freaked me out
She started calling you up in the middle of the night
What's that about?
I just want to be there when you discover
When you wake up next to your new lover
She might cook you breakfast and love you in the shower
The flavor of the moment, cause she don't have what's ours
She's not me
She doesn't have my name
She'll never have what I have
It won't be the same
It won't be the same
I should have seen the sign when you were here
Under a different light, it's all so clear
She was stealing, stealing, stealing
And now you're feeling, feeling, feeling
She started dyeing her hair and
Wearing the same perfume as me
She started reading my books
And stealing my looks and lingerie
I just want to be there when you discover
You wake up in the morning next to your new lover
She might cook you breakfast and love you in the shower
The thrill is momentary, cause she don't have what's ours
She's not me
She doesn't have my name
She'll never have what I have
It won't be the same
It won't be the same
She is licking her lips
And she's batting her eyes
She's not me
She's got legs up to there
And such beautiful hair
She's not me
Oh, devoted for life
Make a beautiful wife
She's not me
If you spend some more time
I guarantee you will find
She's not me
I know I can do it better
If someone wants to pimp your style
And hang with you a little while
And make off with all the things you like
You're gonna have to watch it
She's not me
She doesn't have my name
She'll never have what I have
It won't be the same
It won't be the same
Never let you forget
She's not me
She's not me, and she never will be
Never let you forget
She's not me
She's not me, and she never will be
[Pharrell's rap]
She's not me
She's not me
She's not me, and she never will be
She's not me
She's not me
She's not me, and she never will be
She never will be
Never will be
Never will be
Never will be
Never will be
Never will be
Never will be...
She's not me and never will be
Never will be...
In search of our other half...
When the earth was still flat,
And the clouds made of fire,
And mountains stretched up to the sky,
Sometimes higher,
Folks roamed the earth
Like big rolling kegs.
They had two sets of arms.
They had two sets of legs.
They had two faces peering
Out of one giant head
So they could watch all around them
As they talked; while they read.
And they never knew nothing of love.
It was before the origin of love.
The origin of love
And there were three sexes then,
One that looked like two men
Glued up back to back,
Called the children of the sun.
And similar in shape and girth
Were the children of the earth.
They looked like two girls
Rolled up in one.
And the children of the moon
Were like a fork shoved on a spoon.
They were part sun, part earth
Part daughter, part son.
The origin of love
Now the gods grew quite scared
Of our strength and defiance
And Thor said,
"I'm gonna kill them all
With my hammer,
Like I killed the giants."
And Zeus said, "No,
You better let me
Use my lightening, like scissors,
Like I cut the legs off the whales
And dinosaurs into lizards."
Then he grabbed up some bolts
And he let out a laugh,
Said, "I'll split them right down the middle.
Gonna cut them right up in half."
And then storm clouds gathered above
Into great balls of fire
And then fire shot down
From the sky in bolts
Like shining blades
Of a knife.
And it ripped
Right through the flesh
Of the children of the sun
And the moon
And the earth.
And some Indian god
Sewed the wound up into a hole,
Pulled it round to our belly
To remind us of the price we pay.
And Osiris and the gods of the Nile
Gathered up a big storm
To blow a hurricane,
To scatter us away,
In a flood of wind and rain,
And a sea of tidal waves,
To wash us all away,
And if we don't behave
They'll cut us down again
And we'll be hopping round on one foot
And looking through one eye.
Last time I saw you
We had just split in two.
You were looking at me.
I was looking at you.
You had a way so familiar,
But I could not recognize,
Cause you had blood on your face;
I had blood in my eyes.
But I could swear by your expression
That the pain down in your soul
Was the same as the one down in mine.
That's the pain,
Cuts a straight line
Down through the heart;
We called it love.
So we wrapped our arms around each other,
Trying to shove ourselves back together.
We were making love,
Making love.
It was a cold dark evening,
Such a long time ago,
When by the mighty hand of Jove,
It was the sad story
How we became
Lonely two-legged creatures,
It's the story of
The origin of love.
That's the origin of love.
Many thanks to fairy M.
Ο παραμυθάς και η πριγκίπισσα
Συναισθηματικά νεκρωμένη η διωγμένη πριγκίπισσα βαδίζει στο αφιλόξενο δάσος χωρίς προσανατολισμό και ελπίδα να βγει στο ξέφωτο. Με τσαλακωμένο φόρεμα, γρατζουνιές και σπασμένα τακούνια από το άτσαλο περπάτημα πάνω στα πεσμένα κλαδιά φτάνει σε μια λίμνη. Εκεί κοιτάει με δέος 3 νεράιδες που τελούν φόρο τιμής στις μεγάλες αγάπες. Τις ακούει να ξορκίζουν το κακό και να εξαγνίζουν τις πληγωμένες καρδιές. Αδύναμη πια η πριγκίπισσα πέφτει στο έδαφος, τα πουλιά πετούν μακριά και οι νεράιδες τρέχουν προς το μέρος της.
Όταν η πριγκίπισσα ανακτά τις αισθήσεις της, ανοίγει τα μάτια της και βρίσκεται σε ένα μέρος μαγικό με ανθισμένες λεβάντες. Οι νεράιδες καταφτάνουν για να ξεναγήσουν την πριγκίπισσα και να της εξηγήσουν τι έχει γίνει. Οι κάτοικοι της παραμυθούπολης γλεντούν χάνοντας την αίσθηση του χρόνου και μένουν για πάντα νέοι. Η πριγκίπισσα εκστασιασμένη ορμά στο χορό και ανακαλύπτει τι όμορφα που είναι μακριά από το βασίλειο του τρόμου. Μια μέρα εκεί που χόρευε την πλησίασε ένα όμορφο ξωτικό. Η ομορφιά του ήταν απόκοσμη που την μάγεψε. Την έπιασε από το χέρι την στροβίλισε στη μέση του χορού και έπειτα πέταξαν ψηλά αγκαλιασμένοι. Η πλημμύρα των συναισθημάτων και των όμορφων εικόνων από την παραμυθούπολη μεταμόρφωσαν την πριγκίπισσα σε νεράιδα. Βγαίνοντας μέσα από τα πελώρια κύματα της θάλασσας προς την ξηρά την περίμεναν οι 3 νεράιδες για να την καλωσορίσουν στη νέα της ζωή.
Από τότε η πριγκίπισσα που έγινε νεράιδα κρατά σα φυλακτό τις αναμνήσεις της από την παραμυθούπολη ευγνωμονώντας τις 3 καλές νεράιδες που της έδειξαν το δρόμο.
To be continued…
ΥΓ. Ν, Δ & Μ σας ευχαριστώ για όλα και για τις όμορφες στιγμές που θα μείνουν ανεξίτηλες. Ο χειμώνας σας υπόσχομαι ότι θα είναι απλά ένα διάλειμμα μέχρι να ξαναγυρίσουμε στην παραμυθούπολη.
Πέμπτη 13 Αυγούστου 2009
Η αγάπη boomerang
Ο φίλος μου ο Α. λέει η αγάπη είναι boomerang. Την αφήνεις και θα σου ξαναγυρίσει πίσω. Αυτό που θες να σου γυρίσει βάσει δικής μου ερμηνείας δεν είναι ο ίδιος ο άνθρωπος, αλλά η ανάγκη να ερωτευτείς, να δώσεις και να δεθείς. Ο χρόνος που περνάει είναι καταλυτικός. Επιστρέφει ο νους σου στις άσχημες σκηνές και τις παίζει επανάληψη αλλάζοντας τους διαλόγους ώστε να δώσεις το αίσιο τέλος. Αυτή η τεχνική τελειοποίησης των παρελθοντικών γεγονότων σε οδηγεί στην ωρίμανση. Η επανάληψη είναι μήτηρ πάσης μαθήσεως. Πεπεισμένος πια ότι τα γεγονότα εάν παραλλαχτούν θα έχουν μια διαφορετική έκβαση, βάζεις σε λειτουργία τον αυτόματο πιλότο ωρίμανσης όταν βρεθείς σε αντίστοιχη κατάσταση.
Προαπαιτούμενο σε αυτή την διαδικασία είναι ο νέος άνθρωπος. Σε καμία των περιπτώσεων δεν θα πρέπει να ενδώσει ο παθών στον άνθρωπο boomerang. Αυτό το άτομο δεν θα βοηθήσει στην επίτευξη της ευτυχίας. Η λανθάνουσα μνήμη θα αναβλύσει αργά η γρήγορα δεδομένα που έχουν καταχωρηθεί κάπου στο πίσω μέρος του μυαλού και θα ξαναγυρίσουμε στο αρχικό στάδιο διαγραφής και επαναφοράς εργοστασιακών λειτουργιών. Ο μηχανικός τρόπος προσέγγισης της αποφυγής μιας επαναλαμβανόμενης ψυχολογικής καταστροφής, ενισχύει τους αμυντικούς μηχανισμούς της ψυχοσύνθεσης.
Η παρενέργεια αυτής της τεχνικής είναι η μερική ή ολική συναισθηματική αναπηρία για όσο διαρκεί η διαδικασία tabula rasa. Σε αυτή την περίοδο ο παθών είναι έρμαιο των ενορμήσεων, διότι προσπαθεί να δημιουργήσει νέες εμπειρίες σε μικρό χρονικό διάστημα για να γεμίσει τη μνήμη που βρίσκεται σε αποθεραπεία (ενόρμηση ή αλλιώς drive: Ο όρος αναφέρεται σε μία δυναμική διαδικασία, που πηγάζει από μια σωματική διέγερση και ωθεί τον οργανισμό να τείνει προς δράση που θα μειώσει τη διέγερση. Μετεξέλιξη της έννοιας του ενστίκτου. Ωθούσα δύναμη, σχετικά ακαθόριστη ως προς τη συμπεριφορά που προκαλεί και ως προς το αντικείμενο στο οποίο επιφέρει την ικανοποίηση. Ριζώνει σε εσωτερικές διεγέρσεις του οργανισμού που εμφανίζονται ως μια διαρκής δύναμη, εναντίον της οποίας καμία απόπειρα φυγής δεν είναι εφικτή. Εγγενής στην οργανική ζωή ώση (urge), για την επανόρθωση μιας κατάστασης πραγμάτων την οποία το άτομο υποχρεώθηκε να απαρνηθεί κάτω από την πίεση εξωτερικών διαταρακτικών δυνάμεων*).
Εφόσον ο παθών (& μαθών) έχει επιτυχώς υποβληθεί στη διαδικασία ‘memory purification’, στην επαφή με τον άνθρωπο boomerang το άτομο θα βιώσει την στιγμιαία άνοδο της αδρεναλίνης. Αυτή γίνεται αντιληπτή από τους έντονους καρδιακούς παλμούς, οι οποίοι όμως ηρεμούν και φέρνουν εφορία όταν ο παθών απομακρυνθεί. Δυστυχώς αυτή η υπερδιέγερση είναι αναπόφευκτη διότι τα συναισθήματα είναι απόρροια χημικών αντιδράσεων των ερεθισμάτων.
Η αγάπης boomerang θα είναι ευπρόσδεκτη από τον καθένα μας έχοντας αποφύγει με μαθηματική ακρίβεια τον άνθρωπο boomerang. Επιλέγω τον όρο ‘μαθηματική ακρίβεια’ γιατί ας μην ξεχνάμε ότι ο καθορισμός των φύλων εμπεριέχει ένα Χ & ένα Υ που πάντα τείνουν στο άπειρο…
Αφειερωμένο στoν A. & την Ν. που υπήρξαν πηγή έμπνευσης του post.
*από εδώ: http://www.cs.phs.uoa.gr/el/courses/emotions/BasicConcepts.ppt
Ιστορίες να σκεφτείς...
Who do you seek out in cyberspace?
Who do you love, when love is gone?
Who do you hunger in this great unknown?
Memories of me will fade soon
& you'll find someone new
See everyone halo bright in beauty
See everyone arrayed for you to try
You're not alone in being alone
Six billion people one of them's right for you
Who do you mean when you change your tone?
Who do you dream of when you're half asleep with one eye open?
You'll become your life soon
& I won't be in your way
See everyone halo bright in beauty
See everyone arrayed for you to try
You're not alone in being alone
Six billion people - one of them's right for you
Who do you see when you stare into space?
Who do you seek out in cyberspace?
See everyone halo bright in beauty
See everyone arrayed for you to try
You're not alone in being alone
Six billion humans - one of them's right for you
This world is asking for a happy couple married
You know that I can love you more than this
No, oh please don’t go
This world is asking for a happy couple married
Married and then bored
You have never loved me like the way I do
It was summer, more than any truth
You have never called me just to hear my voice
Bloodiness and numbers burning in my mind
It is summer turn me into ice
Please don’t look at, look at me in the eyes
Oh please don’t look at me
My baby, your favorite baby is gone
Swim away from me, I have no time to call
Babe, I’m right here, babe
You know that I can’t hate you more than this
No, oh please don’t go
Married and then bored
Sunny baby it's over let it go
Δευτέρα 3 Αυγούστου 2009
Tonight's Today!! nanananananana
Αλλά εξακολουθεί να μου αρέσει η φωνή αυτού του τύπου...δεν το συζητάω για την αγγλούρα στην προφορα πεθαίνω!!!Και ο ήχος απίστευτος!!
Δις Διευθυντής (1965)
Κυριακή 2 Αυγούστου 2009
Another tune stack in my mind...
Be the one (repeat)
The stage was set for me to play
but I decided on the day that i did not believe the page
I walked away because of you
just like Tiresias on you
that me and you were fated too
we asked the church to save our souls
they said me were too early and to join the fold (?)
i lay and watch you sleep beneath the citrus sky
pretending not to see you through my wanting eyes
i knew you could (be the one)
i knew you should (be the one)
i knew you could (be the one)
be the one be the one
my past was painted on a wall
but with a look you made a fool
i placed you flag into a ball
i'll follow you for any cause
i'll fight for you in any wars
and all to say that i am yours
we asked the church to save our souls
they said me were too early and to join the fold (?)
i lay and watch you sleep beneath the citrus sky
pretending not to see you through my wanting eyes
i knew you should (be the one)
i knew you could (be the one)
i knew you would (be the one)
be the one be the one
did we really? did we really fall in love?
(be the one be the one)
did we really? did we really fall in love?
(be the one be the one)
i knew you should (be the one)
i knew you could (be the one)
i knew you would (be the one)
be the one be the one
did we really? did we really fall in love?
(be the one be the one anekatips.com)
did we really? did we really fall in love?
(be the one be the one)
θα με πάει στο λουνα παρκ χιχιχοχαχιχοχαχαχο

Τι ευχάριστη έκπληξη! Ο Β. μου είπε να πάμε στο λούνα πάρκ! Ενθουσιάστηκα! Ήρθε με πήρε και πήγαμε πρώτα για καφέ γιατί το λιοπύρι δεν το αντέχαμε και είχαμε και πόσο καιρό να τα πούμε. ‘Είναι εποχή κάθαρσης' μου είπε και το ενστερνίστηκα από την πρώτη στιγμή. Άσπροι τοίχοι, αποτοξίνωση, γυμναστική, μετακομίσεις, αλλαγή πορείας. Ρυθμίζουμε τις πυξίδες μας για άλλες πολιτείες μαγικές. Ταξιδέψαμε πίσω στο χρόνο πιάσαμε την πορεία μας από κει που είχε σταματήσει από την τελευταία φορά που τα είπαμε. Μιλήσαμε για μουσικές και δουλειές, για διακοπές, σχέσεις και άλλα πολλά.
Σάββατο 1 Αυγούστου 2009
got a whole lot of mystery, baby's got a bad bad history
whole lot of mystery
Baby's got a bad bad history
You've got a whole lot of mystery
Baby's got a bad bad history
Are we crazy or are we glad?
Keep your instincts to make a stand
Keep on searching for what we had
To remind us all.
If you've gotta say it then say it right
Run red lights, we're getting wet tonight
Crossing tracks between the sense and dread
Go so loco got a spinning head
You've got a whole lot of mystery
Baby's got a bad bad history
You've got a whole lot of mystery
Baby's got a bad bad history
Nobody else makes you feel this way
Get to hide your heart away
Waiting for divine intervention
A sweet awakening
Are we crazy or are we glad?
Keep your instincts to make a stand
Keep on searching for what we had
To remind us all
But nobody else makes you feel this way
(Are we crazy or are we glad?)
Get to hide your heart away
(Keep your instincts to make a stand)
Waiting for divine intervention
(Keep on searching for what we had)
A sweet awakening
(To remind us all)
To remind us all
To remind us all
Please, don't let me make the same mistake again
Round one
-Γιατί τόσα νεύρα πάλι δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω…πριν το δικαιολογούσες με το ότι δεν ήμουν μόνος, τώρα γιατί συνέχεια ;εσύ η ίδια δεν είπες να προσέχουμε τον πρώτο καιρό και να μην ξέρει κανείς τίποτα; Πως γίνεται από κει που συνεννοούμασταν με τα μάτια τώρα να μη μπορούμε σε απλά πράγματα; Το θέμα είναι που θα πάμε ή ότι θα είμαστε μαζί;
Round two
-Τα συναισθήματα μου δεν έχουν αλλάξει αλλά η μόνιμα απαξιωτική και προκατειλημμένη συμπεριφορά σου απέναντι μου δε μπορώ να την αντέξω. Εχω τόσα στο κεφάλι μου κι αν εσένα σ’ αρέσει γενικά να μαλώνεις και να φωνάζεις για τόσο μικρά πράγματα εγώ δεν μπορώ. Το τελευταίο πράγμα που θέλω είναι να μαλώνουμε , αλλά εσύ με το παραμικρό μου μιλάς άσχημα και μου κλείνεις το τηλέφωνο λες και είμαστε στο γυμνάσιο. Δε θέλω να χαλάσουμε τη σχέση που έχουμε, αλλά δυστυχώς επειδή βλέπω πως λόγω της απόστασης δε μπορούμε να συνεννοηθούμε, τουλάχιστον να περνάμε καλά όταν βρισκόμαστε από κοντά.
Round three
- Κάθε φορά που πάμε να μιλήσουμε μου μιλάς άσχημα και με νεύρα. Εγώ δε μπορώ έτσι. Δε θέλω η καλή σχέση που έχουμε και όσα έχουμε περάσει να ακυρωθούν από μια κακιά στιγμή και τα νεύρα ή την παρεξήγηση ενός τηλεφωνήματος.
knock out!!
- Κι εγώ πραγματικά λυπάμαι που δεν μπορέσαμε να υπερνικήσουμε τα απλά εμπόδια που μας παρουσιάστηκαν το ξέραμε από την αρχή ότι θα ήταν δύσκολο λόγω της απόστασης και των συνθηκών και παρόλο που λέγαμε ότι θα προσπαθήσουμε η καθημερινότητα καμιά φορά δε μας αφήνει. Θα είσαι πάντα ένας ξεχωριστός άνθρωπος στη ζωή μου ότι κι αν γίνει κι αυτό δε θα αλλάξει ποτέ. Θα είσαι πάντα για μένα το κακό κολοκύθι που δυστυχώς δεν μπόρεσα να το κάνω καλό. Αλλά δε θέλω να το κάνουμε μελό. Δε μας ταιριάζει.
Η Δ. μου είχε κάποτε πει: ‘Γιατί οι άντρες που λένε πολλά συνήθως δεν κάνουν τίποτα;’.
Don't speak to me this way
Don't ever let me say
Don't leave me again [x2]
I never felt this loss before
And the world is closing doors
I never wanted anything more [x2]
Don't hug me this way
Don't touch me this way
Don't hug me again [x2]
Don't hug me this way
Don't touch me this way
Don't hug me this again [x2]
I never felt this loss before
And the world is closing doors
I never wanted anything more
Don't let me make the same mistake again
Please, don't let me make the same mistake again
Don't let me make the same mistake again
I never felt this loss before
And the world is closing doors
I never wanted anything more
Please, Don't let me make the same mistake again [x2]
Sounds like 60s or 70s...but it's 2009
You think I love you but it ain΄t true
I΄m walking away now
One step forward and back two
I like to grab you by the hair
and hang you up from the heavens
I don΄t know how to let you go
Or if i should keep you
I don΄t know how to let you know
I really do have a reason
I like to grab you by the hair
and drag you to the devil
I never know how to push you
Just to... Just to confuse you
I make my hope Just to see how
Just to see how
to push you
I like to grab you by the hair
and hang you up from the heavens
I ΄d like to grab you by the hair
and send you up to the devil
I never know what mood you be
You may be kind or cruel to me
I΄m walking away now
one step forward and back three
I never know what I΄m gonna to do
I say I΄m leaving but It ain΄t true
I got a lot to do to you
There ain΄t nothing you can do...to stop it
I want to hang you by the hair
I want to hang you by the hair
I want to hang you by the hair
and hang you up from the heavens
And I believe in gentle harmony
now here i cannot feel the wind, cant feel the rain oh no
and i believe in gentle harmony
well how i loathe all this obscenity
is this the way my life has got to be?
have i a single opportunity?
look at me oh look at me is this the way i'll always be
oh no, oh no
now i pray that somebody will quickly come and kidnap me
oh no, oh no
everyday i lie awake and pray to god today's the day
oh no, oh no
here i am oh here i am oh when will someone understand?
oh no, oh no
and all at once i feel this, oh how it clings to me
it reels and calls me towards it, confounding destiny
and i can feel the madness inch by inch
the more i run the more i am convinced
a color all these like the branches glimpse
just like the saddle in the foggy mist
look at me oh look at me is this the way i'll always be
oh no, oh no
now i pray that somebody will quickly come and kidnap me
oh no, oh no
and everyday i lie awake and pray to god today's the day
oh no, oh no
here i am oh here i am oh when will someone understand?
oh no, oh no
look at me oh look at me is this the way i'll always be
oh no, oh no
now i pray that somebody will quickly come and kidnap me
oh no, oh no
and everyday i lie awake and pray to god today's the day
oh no, oh no
here i am oh here i am oh when will someone understand?
oh no, oh no
The next best thing, very hot, very now...
And everything is going to the beat
And everything is going
And you said
It was like fire around the brim
Burning solid
Burning thin the burning rim
Like stars burning holes right through the dark
Flicking fire like saltwater into my eyes
You were one inch from the edge of this bed
I drag you back a sleepyhead, sleepyhead
They couldn't think of something to say the day you burst
With all their lions and all their might and all their thirst
They crowd your bedroom like some thoughts wearing thin
Against the walls against your rules against your skin
My beard grew down to the floor and out through the doors
Of your eyes but go in disguise like a sleepyhead, sleepyhead
Go ahead
Defense Mechanisms by Sigmund Freud
Defense mechanisms, in their original context, are unconscious methods of dealing with anxiety. More generally, they can be seen as dealing with stress, or a cause of anxiety. Below is a list of some common defense mechanisms with a short description of each.
A perceived deficit is compensated for by skill or success in another area. For example, a perceived lack of height is compensated for skill in business, the arts, or other areas.
A reality that causes anxiety is simply not perceived. For example, a mother may unconsciously refuse to see her son's true character because it is too anxiety-arousing. The use of denial may lead to abrupt intrusion of reality into one's life. The mother above, for example, may receive the news that her son has been arrested for armed robbery.
Displacement is the redirection of energy from a dangerous or forbidden object to a more socially acceptable one. For example, attraction to a married person may be displaced to some other activity. A classic instance is playing a musical instrument instead.
Fantasy is the conjuring of an imagined scenario to replace a real one. Imagining one's sexual partner as being someone else is a fairly common example.
Intellectualization is treating an emotionally charged situation in a muted or non emotional fashion. For example, someone who accepts the news of a marital breakup passively and with stoicism may be using intellectualization.
Projection is blaming others or other things for one's problems or failures. For example, someone might say, "The devil made me do it", or blame others for being the cause of a problem.
Rationalization is realizing that one's motives are not always pure or publicly acceptable and substituting appropriate motives. For example, failing to study because one was "exhausted" rather than "lazy" is an example. Being lazy is not seen as a socially acceptable motivation.
Reaction formation
Reaction formation is showing the exact opposite of one's true motivation or intentions. (Unconsciously, remember.) So, saying "I hate you." may indicate love instead. Or, believing that you love to teach may be necessary after you have spent years preparing and then found out that the only job you could obtain was in a horrible school with violent students. The choice is to admit your wasted time and energy preparing for such a job, or to believe that you enjoy it.
Repression is central to psychoanalysis. It requires that highly anxiety-arousing items be stored deep in the unconscious, where they will not affect conscious activities. Repressed items, however, may manifest themselves in dreams or in slips of the tongue. A repressed item is not usually available for recall. Instead, it may appear later, unexpectedly. For example, I once attempted to recall all of the Fourth of July days I had spent over a ten-year period, but one was unaccessible to me. A few weeks later, while in the shower, it hit me. I had been involved in a major family dispute that particular day, and had apparently repressed it.
Regression occurs when the coping behaviors of an earlier developmental stage reappear. For example, crying or throwing a tantrum may be used to cope with a stressful event. Typically, we view such behaviors as inappropriate for adults, and further, as holdovers from an earlier time (childhood) when such behaviors were more acceptable.
Sublimation is when motives are either sexual or violent, reflecting the psychoanalytic instincts of libido and thanatos (both will be discussed later), and are redirected into non-instinctual paths. For example, aggressive motivations may be redirected into the more acceptable framework of games.
από εδώ: http://peace.saumag.edu/faculty/Kardas/Courses/GPWeiten/C12Personality/DefMech.html
Yeah yeah I'll get it back
But it's all good
I'm breakin' my back
But it's all good
'cause I know I'll get it back